Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life Inspirational Flames + some Yoda and Turtles Awesomness

I like turtles... I wanna live my life just like a turtle... They're like, so chill, so relaxed about everything. They don't hurt anyone. They don't give a shit about what others think of them. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle." Plus they can kill Super Mario! September 25, 2012 Sure, on retrospective 2012 sucked. The economy sucked. The housing market was lousy. And jobs became tougher to find. You thought 2012 was your year to break out on your own. Create your own life – physical,emotinal, psycological and financial freedom. But then AnimeSeason had a bunch of specials, you had to find out what happened on the latest anime(and blog about it), and, what is that?… There's a new Sherlock TV series? Frankly, you blew the year with distractions. It is easy to do…I mean…distractions are so…well… distracting. It is so much easier to chat about the latest Laurell K. Hamilton novel and her sexy french vampires, or how Starbucks is adding stuff to their coffee to make people want to buy an accompanying muffin. Hey, those are much better topics, I myself freely admit it, reality sucks! But that doesn't mean we can live on Neverland forever. Do you dare to take a peek through the looking glass? Then read on… Here's how you can sail trough this crisis infested waters, avoid major depression icebergs, and live the life of a pirate! Wake Up! – Get up early in the morning, every morning, even if you don't have anything to do, you won't accomplish anything by spending your life asleep in your bed. There are plenty of things to do everyday but, guess what, they all take work. Plan on learning about something. I mean really doing something, take bellydancing lesssons, learn a foreing language or two, get a cooking and pastery degree. But do it passionatly, either do something or don’t do something, don't go half hearted into it, don't live your life that way. "No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."- Yoda. Depression Sucks – Stop overthinking it. Cease to be so afraid of life, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."- Yoda really had it all figured out, don't get sucked into the dark side, live your life free of fear and happy in the light. Stop doing “serious work” and start enjoying what you do for a living. It is easy to get a job. There are lots of jobs available out there even in the middle of this crisis, there's lots of stuff that, at the end of the day,get you the money you need to live. But there's also lots of jobs that in the end of the week didn’t earn you a dime but feels like you did something. Before accepting any job, ask yourself, “How much is my time and self respect worth? is it worth this ammout of money?” If you can’t answer a big “yes,” in the short term… move on to something that will. Don't think long term, life is short you could be dead tomorrow, and then what good would the money and the hard work do you? Change is the key! Nowadays with the job unemployment rate, you get pretty much the same lousy ammount of money regardless of where you work, what you do or for how long you have been doing it. Take advantage of that and stop making up a million excuses “why” you couldn’t do something. Take this time to start your own business, take risks, strive for more and better, by taking chances and trying out for jobs you wouldn't normally do, you might find you like or even have some talent for some really unexpected stuff. "If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are ... a different game you should play"- Yoda. Live on the today! Don't spend your life mourning your past fortune. Set new dreams for yourself. Quit saying one day you'll be happy when you have this and that, or you never will. When will you get this or that? Set a deadline (an actual date and time) and tell friends to kick you in the ass if you don’t meet it. Get yourself back on track to your goals and dreams. Quit Bitching You Big Baby– The world owes you nothing. Life Sucks… get a helmet. Some people spend more time making excuses than it would have taken to use that same amount of time to just do the damn thing. Just do it already or quit whining about it. Whihning and complaining won't get you anywhere. "In this war, a danger there is, of losing who we are"- Yoda once again knew it, and tells you that in the middle of hard times one must hold on to one's own streght and pride with all one's got. Don't let yourself be dragged down by the general self-pity party, we seem to be having, live your life with pride and streght! Stop Twittering, Facebooking, and playing Farmville. – That huge sucking sound in the background when you fire up Facebook is the sound of your life going down the drain. You are not a real farmer and you are not “keeping in touch with your friends” – you are maintaining more than one narcissistic website all about you. If you wanna write about you, write a blog, or a journal. Don’t make excuses that social media is anything other than that. Want to talk to a friend? Pick up the frigging phone and call them – it probably automatically forwards to their Facebook account anyway. I hope you have a great rest of 2012 and a bloody awesome 2013. If you don’t, it is probably your own fault.

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