Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is My Life Just Burning Away?

Before reading: I do realize that this seems like I'm overly defending myself and that I am, therefore guilty. But really, I'm just getting my point across.

Agree or disagree, I don't mind.

Well, apparently I'm wasting my life away because I've don't go to school to see what I want to do for the rest of my short life. And I'm not working full time. And I'm living with my mother. And I don't drive. And I don't pay any bills. And I have no direction (not exactly true). And I have no clue what I want to do with myself (sort of true). And I have no dreams (Not true).
And, oh, did I mention that I'm only 18, 19 in September?
Yes, I'm far too old to be having any kind of fun before I turn what? 20? far too old to be living the fun life (like my life is that funny).
Did you know that there are people out there that are about 35 and do what I do every day? They sit on their ass, to go to work or school, on the bus, or they walk there. They sleep trought almost the all day, on the weekends, then they babysit their brothers, whenever they're asked?
But of course, I must be a loser because I'm 18 and I'm okay with it.
I'm not in this big hurry to chance anything in my life, I'm actually happy, right now.
And the only thing I really want , right now, is not to mess my new found happyness.
Is that wrong?
It makes it sound like I'm lazy, when in all reality, I'm not.
I didn't think being 18 would mean that I had to grow up and be 30.
Yes, there are people my age that do go to school because they are actually studying for their future carreer, that do drive or are at least interested in getting their driver's license, that do work full time, that do live on their own.
But I'm not them, and I'm not throwing anything away.
The way I see it, as long as I have plans and that I do plan to follow through, and keep living my life, it's not hurting anybody if I just enjoy life and not worry senseless about everything.
And what if I live a semi fun life for just a couple more years?
Yeah, I bet there are some people out there reading this and saying to themselves "Sara, get off your ass and do something."
But I don't see why being 18 has to be this really life changing age. That I have to get this thing, that I have to work or prepare for my future carrer.
I mean it could be far worse, right?
Like, I could be pregnant and addicted to drugs. Which, I am not.
At least, the only person I have to support is myself.
I say I'm doing alright for my age, even if it's not the best I could do.
I'll get there.
Just let me breathe.

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