Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm so burned if anyone actually reads this blog...

Ya know, I've been thinking about some stuff, and I've decided that, I believe that if the first passionate kiss you share with someone you like doesn’t make your toes curl or give you butterflies, then you’re wasting your time.

Seriously... the all "we've got so much in common, and we like each other, really I can totally see us, like marrying and having kids and being together forever" shit, is all very nice, and maybe even works for some people, just not for me.

Love is all very nice and pretty, but when you're 20 and your blood is red, that don't count for much.

People say, love has no reason... well, I don't think it's exactly like that, I mean, love has a lot of very good reasons: physical preferences, childhood prince-charming dreams, common goals and objectives, similar tastes, complementary life styles, whatever...

In the end, it's lust that has no reason.
Realistically you can even be attracted to people you don't even like!

*A friend of mine made a comment about sex a long time ago and it always stuck with
me, she said, “Fucking feels good, and if it doesn’t, then you’ve got the wrong partner.”

The fireworks are either there or they are not.
That’s just my humble opinion.
Just wanted to leave that perfectly clear.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

You're Burning With Happiness We Get It, Now Prove It!

Prove it?
Around here we apparently have an entire week off, with no classes, called reading week, which happen to be precisely before we have to deliver our essays.
Coincidence? I don't think so. lol
So I'm off classes, writing my essays and having fun.
A flatmate gave me flowers.
For Valentine's day.
A huge, huge bouquet with red roses, white and pink carnations and lots of green leaves.
I bought a vase and put them there, everytime I look at them, I feel like it's a party.
I told him, no one had ever given me flowers like that before and he was really surprised.
So I told him, "it's because I'm practical", and he said "and flowers die".
I said "exactly".
And then he told me, "But you're greek too"
And I said, "so I am."
Everything around here, is like me, full of contracts.
They work and study like maniacs, but then, right through the middle of the semester, they've a week off, and 4 weeks spring vacation
(which I spoke with my mom and I'm gonna go spend in London) with some friends of her who live there and her.
They dress real proper, and are super polite during day time, then they drink like there will be a draught tomorrow and turn to holigans at night.
They're really concerned about health and enviroment, but eat everything fried and leave the white card boxes where the fried food comes, lying everywhere.
They are what we would call antisocial, they separate themselves from one anothers, it's like they live in their own little world, but they care enought to know things about you which you, yourself don't even know.
They have the oldest, most beautiful University building, but also the newest tallest cinema building of Europe.
(Went there this week, 18 floors. Beautiful, you can see the entire city in a sea of night lights all around you)
They are truly intriguing and fascinating.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

eu tou bem
so nao tenho é tido mt tempo aki po skype
tem estado a chover, e imenso vento e como mudei o windows do meu pc pra um em ingles e o homemzinho se esqueceu de por word, (e tenho preguiça de ir a loja outra vz) tenho tado mais tempo nos pcs da uni library
tenho andado a escrever o meu essay
so ligo o skype, mesmo kuando chego pra falar com a minha mae
mas chiça ainda so passou um mes! menos q isso, ja ficaste mais tempo k isso sem me ver durante as ferias! lol
drama queen

im not
you are

everyone around me tells me to move on , i wanna hold on to your memory and i dont know what to do
this is drama

drama queen

move on
i told you so before i left
didn't i?

since when do i do what you tell me to?
desde quando?

then do what you want
but do it
and don't fret about it
i dont

do you mind/care what ever i do ?
i care, i dont mind though
you're free as a bird
if birds are as free as i am right now then we are locked up in cages

sejamos serios
nao passou nem um mes
e ja tas nisto
sejamos honestos
nao aguentas 6 meses
queres realidade
bm ai a tns


a tua decisao ja foi tomada
por mim!
eu bazei
e tu nao estas a respeitar os meus desejos
metendo m numa posiçao na qual eu nao kero estar
acabou no dia em k eu tive que escolher entre o k tinha e o k keria
é tao simples como isso
acabou quando eu vi que queria ir de erasmus e me senti mal por que tu ias passarte

eu nao tou passado porque foste de erasmus
nao é por teres ido
e pelo menos pensa nisto
como se fosses eu
e conhecendo-me como conheces

ja pensei

nao foi o teres ido
foi o teremos acabado
por teres ido
eu sei que nao podias tar sempre aqui
eu sei que ias ver coisas novas
eu sei que ia ser dificil
mas eu disse-te antes de ires
eu esperava
mas isso foi algo que tu te recusaste


eu nunca te diria para nao ires de erasmus
eu sei que isso era um dos teus sonhos

tu nao percebes pois n?
nao é ir de erasmus
nc foi ir de erasmus
eu nao vim "de" erasmus
eu queria sair dai
estou incrivelmente feliz aki
é exactamente tudo o k eu sonhei
e tem coisas más
mas até dessas eu gosto poque sao DIFERENTES
sinto k vivi toda a minha vida num quarto de vidro
e k nunca sai de la porque estava BEM la
mas estar bm nao me chega
na verdade nc chegou
e eu sabia quando decidi ir "de" erasmus k
nunca mais ia chegar
a serio que sim
mas eu n kero voltar praí
vou voltar obviamente
mas a verdade é k nao kero
es mt importante pra mim
mas basicamente fazes part das coisas boas k eu sabia k ia deixar pra tras
e msm assim fiz a minha escolha
nao é k eu nao saiba "a pessoa k vou ser quando voltar"
o problema é k sei
porque ja era essa pessoa quando parti

eu habituei-me a ti
eu nao kero habito
e nao kero alguem k esta comigo por habito
foi sempre por algo muito mais que habito, menina
quando sabe perfeitamente k eu nao sou a pessoa certa pra si, menino
e depois ?
eu sabia isso
mas tava feliz
certo ou errado nao entra ai

estavas bem
e eu tb
mas bm pode ser o suficiente pra ti
n é pra mim
logo, nao sou a pessoa certa pra ti, nem posso ser

eu podia-me defender m do teu ponto de vista e sabes isso, nao e´ por isso que alguma vez voltei atras, eu tava feliz e tava bem e estava completo, neste momento nao estou e ta-me a ser dificil, mas obrigado por esta conversa
tava a precisar
pq a unica pessoa que me podia dar esta conversa eras tu
eu vou ser diferente
depois ves :)
vou aprender alemao apartir deste mes
para começar :)

vou entregar curriculos amanha
part time ?
tas short em cash ?
tenho 3 dias livres todas as semanas
ocupar tempo e earn something
nc trabalhei por precisar de dinheiro

kero outras coisas
e incrivelmente
fiz a escolha certa
estou feliz

im proud of you
so am i
pensei que ias escrever " me too "
not yet

see you when you get back ?
please... one promess
be better than what you are :)

because you are a real pain sometimes
i know
being better is a life long ocupation
in a way

see you!
see you

3 February 2011