Thursday, April 4, 2013

"I shouldn't have to explain myself...YOU should be the one telling ME why you believed what you heard"


  1. maybe they believed it because it sounded like something you would do. and if you dont want to explain yourself than maybe you also have guilt in your back

    1. Yes, that's the annoying part... It really doesn't sound like nothing I would do! And it's a friend who acuses me, or at least someone I thought a friend, you would think that they would know, your personality, if not your character. Figures! Besides I bothered to explain... and I pointed out how stupid the acusation was in the first place, totally useless, people will believe what they want to believe, and while I deeply understand that, I also can't help feeling deeply insulted that they believed it in the first place. Thanks! Totally helps getting that out of my chest! :)

  2. i dont know you,found your blog through chance when googling something, but maybe you see yourself in diferent way than other people do and think it doesnt sound like something you would do,but it might sound to others.we never know what others think about us if we dont ask,do we?you thought the person was your friend and maybe they thought the same when they heard about it,that you were their friend an d got disapointed at it. if you think the person really is your friend and is a good person to have around you should try talking to him/her. friends fight and it is normal. good friends make up, bad friends stop being friends. which one are you?
